|Class Profile |Adult learners Level 3 |
|Aims: |The aim of this session is to enable the students to demonstrate session planning skills. |Core Curriculum Codes: |
|Objectives: |At the end of this session, students should be able to: |
| |Identify and propose solutions to challenges & barriers to learning …show more content…
Explain |V |Responses to questions|ICT |
| |Register |link to last week’s session on teaching and learning approaches |A |& answers |PowerPoint |
| |Link to last week’s session |Students respond to Q&A and recall last week’s session | |Quality of links with | |
| |Introduce aims and objectives | | |last week’s session | …show more content…
Divide students into two groups & identify |A |Quality of suggestions|PPT |
| |learning |challenges & barriers to learning |K | |Flip chart paper |
| | |Record on flip chart sheets | | |& markers |
| | |After 5 mins swap sheets & propose solutions. Share with other group | | |