1. Intake Protocol At Oceanside Trauma, we take pride in our modified Trauma and Drug Use Intake Form (TDUIF) which will be administered to all of our potential clients (Beall, Larry, 2001). We have found that comorbid issues are highly correlated with most Stress issues, especially our military veterans and believe it’s in our clients’ best interests if we administer an intake protocol that addresses this before we proceed any further. It should be noted that if the client’s answers reflect potential comorbid issues based on our intake questionnaire, one on one interviews are scheduled and decisions are made to get the client immediate help if needed. The self-administered questionnaire covers a wide variety of trauma history as well as potential coping/avoidance techniques. Minor changes have been made to Larry Beall’s original version, with respect to vocabulary and some questions omitted. Identifying an individual's trauma exposure history is important because of the serious psychosocial impairments associated with PTSD. We believe after reviewing the intake form with the client, we will have an easier process of deciding what the next step is and how to proceed.
2. Oceanside Case Example via “Soft Spots”
Recently I had the pleasure of reading “Soft Spots” by former Marine Sgt. Clint Van Winkle. Throughout the reading numerous examples of PTSD were prevalent as he rendered his account of returning home from his deployment in Iraq. Clint should be commended for not holding back during his internal dialog and this candidness really lets you experience his trauma with a first person
References: American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text rev.). Washington, DC: Author. Andreas, Connirae & Andreas, Steve Andreas, Steve & Andreas, Connirae. (1987). Change Your Mind-- and Keep the Change. Moab, UT: Real People Press. Bandler, Richard & Grinder, John Bandler, Richard & MacDonald, Will (1987) An Insider=s Guide To Submodalities. Moab, UT. : Real People Press. Bandura, A Beall, Larry. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.traumaawareness.org/website-intake-assessment/ Beck, A Bouton, Mark E. (Sep-Oct 2004). Context and behavioral processes in extinction. Learning and Memory, 11(5), 485-494. Retrieved July 7, 2007, from www.learnmem.org Bouton, Mark E.; Moody, Erik W Foa, E. B., & Kozak, Michael J. (1986). Emotional Processing of Fear: Exposure to Corrective Information. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 99, No. 1. Foa, E Foa, Edna B., Keane, Terence M., & Friedman, Matthew J. (Eds.). (2000). Effective Treatments for PTSD. New York: The Guilford Press. Friedman, Matthew, J. (2000). Post-traumatic stress disorder: the latest assessment and treatment strategies . (pp. 83-85). Kansas City, MO: Dean Psych Press Corp. d/b/a Compact Clinicals. Van Winkle, Clint. (2009). Soft spots: a marine 's memoir of combat and post-traumatic stress disorder. New York, NY: St Martin 's Press. Weathers FW, Litz BT, Herman DS, et al: The PTSD Checklist: reliability, validity, and diagnostic utility. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, San Antonio, Tex, 1993