• Application of the FENTO teaching cycle
• Andragogic teaching methods
• Different types of learning domains
• Different teaching methods
• Planning a lesson
Day one of the PTLLS course covered a lot of areas that provide essential information in order to provide a foundation for good teaching practice. The main points I learnt from today’s session are highlighted in the FENTO teaching cycle, as explained by Groves, 1999, which incorporates eight seperate but ultimately linked stages.
I discovered that as an educator, it was very important to understand fully the importance of the priciples of learning, where the pedagogic and androgogic teaching methods are examined (Reece and walker, 2009, p57), and that I must strive to take an andragogic approach to teaching. Curzon argues that “teachers of older students must be prepared to act as facilitators of learning” (Curzon, 2008, pp 254 – 256). I found the classification of the three different learning domains (Reece and walker, 2009, pp60 – 75), which includes cognitive, psychomotor and affective methods proved very informative and very helpful in assisting me to choose how to best deliver lessons.
How could I develop my delivery as a result of this day?
The importance of good planning and preparation is essential when organizing a course of instruction. It amazed me that I had never previously focused on the importance of establishing the learner’s needs prior to commencing a lesson or course. When examined closely, it is obvious to me now that without critical analysis of the potential problems that may be encountered by neglecting this important area, the course could encounter problems from the initial session due to some or all of the students presenting with issues relating to physical or mental problems, student dietary concerns, cultural or race related learning issues, for example access to prayer rooms and breaks in the schedule of works to
Bibliography: Groves, B.1999. FENTO standards for teaching and supporting learning [online]. Further Education Development Agency. Available from http://home.freeuk.com/aptt/articles/FENTO991.pdf [Accessed 06 Feb 2011] Curzon L.B. (2008) Teaching in Further Education: An outline of principles and practice. 6th ed. London, Continuum Reece W. and Walker S. (2009). Teaching, training and learning: a practical guide. 6th edition revised. Tyne and Wear: Business Education Publishers Limited.