6 An essay at this level
- effectively addresses the writing task
- is well organized and well developed
- uses clearly appropriate details to support a thesis or illustrate ideas
- displays consistent facility in the use of language
- demonstrates syntactic variety and appropriate word choice
5 An essay at this level
- may address some parts of the task more effectively than others
- is generally well organized and developed
- uses details to support a thesis or illustrate an idea
- displays facility in use of the language
- demonstrates some syntactic variety and range of vocabulary
4 An essay at this level
- addresses the writing task adequately but may slight parts of the task
- is adequately organized and developed
- use some details to support a thesis or illustrate an idea
- demonstrate adequate but possibly inconsistent facility with syntax and usage
- may contain some errors that occasionally obscure meaning
Is there a thesis statement or introduction?
Is there a topic sentence for each paragraph?
Are there supporting details for each topic statement?
Is there conclusion?
Are there run-on sentences or sentence fragments?
Are there misplaced modifiers or dangling modifiers?
Are the structures parallel?
Are there transition words?
Are the sentences and paragraphs cohesive?
Punctuation and spelling
Are the paragraphs indented?
Are there punctuation marks such as periods at the end of each sentence?
Do all sentences begin with capital letters?
Are all words spelled correctly?
General Writing Improvements Strategies
1. Writing is skill like playing tennis. You have to practice. There is a lot of extra work you can do on your own to help you become a better writer. Doing these activities, you’ll practice your writing, practice your penmanship, and practice forming opinions.
To improve your writing, pay attention when you read. Notice how