SEMESTER 2 2012/2013
PSCI 2523
“ACCOUNTABILITY” | NAME | MATRIC NO. | SECTION | 1 | | 1 | | | | |
INTRODUCTION. When the word Public Administration come accross one’s mind, people would think of government civil workers and bureaucracy in government office. However, Public Administration is wider than that. It comprises of many part among them are technical issues,financal issues and ethical issues.Among many of them is the importance of manegerial technique, a characteristic where an organization such as government office should have in order to organize, planned, co-ordinate and budgetting. Government office is a big organization operates by millions of government public officials and involve in trillion amount of money in term of budgettary, and from this comes the importance of accountability. What are accountability?. Accountability generally means responsibility for someone or for some activity. The key understanding to accountability is responsibilities that are put on hold for someone for his or her action. However when the word of accountability is impose on Public Adminitstration, accountability in simplest form is answerability, implies that accountability involves limited, direct and mostly formalistic responses to demands generated by spesific istitutions or group in the public agency’s task environment.More broadly conceived Public Administration acountability involves the mean by which public agencies and their workers manage the diverse ecpectations generated within and outside the organizations (S.Romzek & Dubnick, 2006). Accountability is important in order to ensure that government officials are responsible in all of their actions and the tax payer’s money, meaning the financial budgett that are given to them are spent in as it suppose to be. Accountability will serve as check and balance for government officials as they
Bibliography: Andreas Shedler, L. D. (1999). The Self Restraining State:Power and Accountability in New Democracies. Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publisher, Inc. Deborah S.Hechinger CEO BoardSource. (n.d.). The Importance of Accountability. Retrieved March 15, 2013, from Deloitte. (n.d.). Public governance and Accountabilty. Retrieved March 16, 2013, from Raga, D., & Taylor, D. (n.d.). IMPACT OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND ETHICS ON PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY. Retrieved March 15, 2013, from S.Romzek, B., & Dubnick, M. J. (2006, January 9). Retrieved March 15, 2013, from jstor: Sanusi, S. L. (2006). Islam,Probity and accountability. Retrieved March 16, 2013, from News+Rescue: Shakir, I. Z. (2011, January 17). Peace and Justice In Islam. Retrieved March 17, 2013, from The Washington Post. (2004). A Failure of Accountability. Washington: The Washington Post Company. Valliani, A. (2012, December 14). Islam on Good Governance. Retrieved March 16, 2013, from