Curtis Richardson
North Carolina Central University
This paper focus on why bureaucracy’s top managers cannot have face to face relationship with all their subordinates, as well as, the principles of organizational orthodoxy of bureaucracy’s. In addition this paper will look at the time spent interacting with different systems. Identify two systems, how are they arranged? Who holds the authority? Identify what type of public servants are motivated to be in these positions.
Bureaucracy is an organization that is structured with regulations set in place to control activity. The bureaucratic stricture is usually implemented in large organizations and governments. It is represented by an assembly of knowledge, power, and Hierarchy. The Knowledge of the organization consists of the technical expertise and the understandings necessary to carry out specialized tasks, along with the capacity to gain more information as needed. The power is the central political resource, enables the organization to change in spite of what others may think. Hierarchy is the arrangement of people holding authority over others with the ability to command behavior and punish lack of compliance.
Bureaucracies are meant to be orderly, fair, and highly efficient. Which means having a clear-cut division of labor is necessary. The principles of Bureaucracy hierarchy and of levels of authority mean a firmly ordered system of super and subordination, in which a super supervises their subordination. Such a system offers those governed the possibility of appealing the decision of super to higher authority, in a regulated manner. Within any bureaucratic authority there are principals of organization orthodox. The principle of organization orthodox is the organizational thinking best expressed by Gulick and Urwick. The principles as listed: 1. Employees are assigned to tasks in conformance to the overall organizational design. 2.