Title: A history of computer networking and the internet in Korea [History of Communications].
This is a valuable source to show where the networking generated and the basic background. Since being stationed in Korea two times, for a total of two years, I have grown to appreciate their computer technology. While being there I had the lowest level of internet service that they provided and it was faster than the fastest any internet service in the United States.
Title: Content-Centric Networking.
This shows the progression of networking thru the years as we know it. This report doesn’t go that far into detail about progression. The report does show that thru this progression networking is mostly used for P2P (peer 2 peer) file sharing purposes.
Title: How to Improve the Peer Review Method: Free-Selection vs Assigned-Pair Protocol Evaluated in a Computer Networking Course
This article actually breaks down into 3 different sections. This article used 54 sophomore students for their analyst. The 3 groups in the article are; Assigned-Pair (AP), Free-Selection (FS), and No Review (NR). The outcome for this study showed that the FS group demonstrated better than the AP group. This will help out in my study by allowing an understanding that everyone has their different learning styles of computers.
This article touches on the networking speeds. It’s only a prediction that faster connections will become the norm. This is an open end article due to technology will continue to improve. Networking, computers, and electronics will continue to progress with competitive countries wanting to be on top of others.
Title: Teaching Computer Networking Fundamentals Using Practical Laboratory Exercises.
The author of this publication tries to engage students by creating exercises to keep them interested. These exercises were both formal and informal. The informal part was gathered by using threads. This