Punctuality is a very important thing in life. Getting to work on time when you are supposed to, is punctuality. Showing up for a meeting on time is punctuality. Showing up for an appointment on time is punctuality. It is very important to make it on time for work, meetings, formations (ten minutes prior), and appointments. Appointments in this case, are very important to make it to on time. It is best to show up for appointments early. If you leave home early to get to your appointment, it is much less likely you will be held up and become late by traffic or any accidents you may come upon as you drive to your appointment. Missing appointments lets several people down. There are people expecting to see you, you are letting them down. There are people that need to be seen by the people you made an appointment with, you are letting them down by taking up valuable time from a dentist, doctor, optometrist, etc. when they could be there instead of you and having things they need taken care of. In the military, not showing up for an appointment is also letting down your squad leader, your unit, and the whole military organization. It can cost the Army a lot of money to schedule an appointment for you and then have you not show up for it. By missing an appointment, you also show that you lack discipline and responsibility. It does not look good to your leaders and makes it seem like you can not be trusted with simple tasks. Punctuality is a big part of impression and it is very important to make a good impression. When you lack punctuality, it sets a bad example to others, friends, family, as well as other soldiers. If you were not taught in civilian life or learned through having a job, in basic combat training in the military you are certainly taught to show up early and be on time for formations and that should carry over to other aspects of your life, such as appointments. Missing appointments takes away from everyone's very valuable time. There is not excuse for…