Business firms whether small or big has engaged several challenges before and after its growth. It undergoes study of the entire business. Efficient and effective decisions in business are needed to implement every day. The business manager has the responsibility to make decisions for the improvement of the company. To make this be possible, forecasting of sales is necessary.
Sales forecast is a prediction based on past sales performance and an analysis of expected market conditions (Evetts, 1990). It can help the marketer develop marketing strategies such as in territorial set-up, target market or the product distribution, pricing schemes or moves, promotions and competition and marketing support. It helps to allocate marketing resources and monitor the productive environment. The marketing company should have the strategies and techniques for achieving the sales target. This sales target is the company’s sales objective. Sales should be monitored time to time whether they are gaining or loosing investment. Sufficient knowledge in forecasting must acquire by the business manager.
Supervising a sales forecast will yield the business firm with an evaluation of past and current sales levels and annual growth. And this will authorize the company to compare it to other business firms. Through this, the marketer can establish new policies for easy monitoring product’s prices and operating costs to earn profits. And by implementing the accurate sales forecast to the entire firm may increase the company’s efficiency and revenue and may decrease cost.
A corporation located at Manresa, Quezon City, Health-Tech Medical Inc. is one of the exclusive distributors of medical supplies and equipment’s and provides respiratory care and home health services and rentals here in the Philippines. It is recently known as Magwin Marketing Corporation has its five years of providing medical supplies