Class Hours: Mon/Wed 11:30-1:00 Classroom: Rawl 2070
Professor: Michael Fu Office: KRAN 364
Telephone: 49-67489 E-mail:
Office Hours: Monday, 10:00-11:30am Course Website: Katalyst Wednesday, 10:00-11:30am
Course Objective
This is an accounting elective course offered at Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. The course is aimed to help students: (a) understand the content of corporate financial reports and analyze the information therein, (b) use the information for evaluating the financial health, operating performance, and growth prospects of corporation-type companies, and (c) learn the various company valuation models available and estimate the value of such a company using those models and the information abstracted from the financial reports.
Students are assumed to have some knowledge of financial accounting and reporting, equivalent to MGMT35000 (Intermediate Accounting I) at a minimum. MGMT 35100 (Intermediate Accounting II) is also highly recommended.
Krishna G. Palepu & Paul M. Healy, Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, 5th edition, Cengage Learning, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-111-97229-5
Course Evaluation
The final course grade of each student will be based on:
Attendance 10%
Group projects 40%
Final exam 50%
Total 100%
Attendance/Class Participation
Attendance and active class participation are essential to the learning/understanding of the course materials in class. Every student is expected to attend each class unless he/she has a good reason. Catching up any missed material or late work due to absence is the student’s responsibility.
To keep the track of class participation by each student, the instructor will bring a participation record sheet for each class. Only those students who have actually participated in class