In Qiu Jin`s story, she depicted a girl named Huang Jurui who born in a traditional Chinese family as a main character to analyze the causes. Her dad Perfect Huang is a perfect example of “prefers boys to girls”. When Jurui were born, Perfect Huang is very unhappy because girl …show more content…
Qiu Jin also provided the solution in the story. Women problem is not hard to solve, but it do need women`s consciousness aware about their situation. So educating women is necessary way to acknowledge them. Let`s talk back to Qin Jin`s article, when Jurui talked to her friends, she clearly analyzed the differences between men and women, boys and girls, and China and Europe. This is because she had been educated and she knew this is a serious problem that women were afraid to say. Once she had knowledge in her head, she had the power and evidence to persuade other people. Actually, girls like Jade was not satisfied by the situation as well, but she was so afraid to speak it out. Jurui knew how to say because knowledge made her stronger. There is a happy ending for the story that all girls left and found their opportunities to get educated. Qiu Jin implied that as long as you tried, women problem is not a hard problem to