QRI-6. The Qualitative Reading Inventory 6 (QRI-6) is an assessment that uses word lists and passages representing various grade levels to assess a student’s level of performance (Independent, Instruction, Frustration) for word recognition and reading comprehension. Overall, Kenadie was Instructional when orally reading both a fourth grade narrative passage (ON) and a fourth grade expository passage (OE). In word recognition, Kenadie scored Independent for both passages; when substituting unknown words, she used similar sound patterns (ON 100%, OE 80%) which changed meaning (ON 50%, OE 60%). In retelling, Kenadie retold 20% of the OE passage focusing mainly on main ideas [main ideas (40%), details (13.3%)] and retold …show more content…
The Writing Structure Analysis is an examination of Kenadie’s writing during instructions. Three areas in the analysis provide key information about her writing: Spelling, Punctuation, and Capitalization. In spelling, Kenadie shows evidence of being at the Derivational Relations spelling stage. This is evident when she spells the majority of her words correctly including multiple syllable words scientist and protective. She has a handle of the prefixes and suffixes related to the meaning of words and their spelling. Examples of this include completely, highest, larger, and captivity. In punctuation, Kenadie typically puts a period at the end of each sentence to end the thought when writing full sentences. One thing noticed was when Kenadie was writing what someone else said, she correctly used quotation marks and an ellipsis to make the writing sound like the character was really speaking. This was done in the March 27th Complete the Mystery Activity, “I… I did it, I’m sorry.” In capitalization, Kenadie capitalized words in the beginning of phrases and when writing names and other proper nouns. When writing a complete paragraph, the beginning of each sentence and the proper name of the teacher. Ms. Rose looked at him “Thank you for being honest