Mulloy, D. F., & Hughes, R. G. (2008). Patient safety & quality: an evidence-based handbook for nurses. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved from…
The health quality model is major reason create measurement benchmarks in healthcare industry products, departments and providers. Theses organizations work aligned with health systems quality. Using the clinical data is able to compile a National Committee for Quality Assurance.…
Hughes, R. G. (2008). Tools and strategies for quality improvement and patient safety. In R. G. Hughes (Ed.), Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses. Retrieved from…
Ridley, R. T. (2008). The Relationship Between Nurse Education Level and Patient Safety: An Integrative Review. Journal of Nursing Education, 47, 149-156. Retrieved from…
The nursing practice is a complex and continuously changing profession. It’s dedication to providing excellence patient center care, improving the quality of life for all patients, and upholding patients’ rights. As a new graduate nurse, it can be hard to transition into such a field, and you may find it to be overwhelming and difficult to meet the demands of the patient and workplace. As a new graduate nurse transitioning into the nursing practice, the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) six core and five Institute of Medicine (IOM) core competencies are tools and guidelines that can be used to support you in transitioning into the nursing practice.…
To ensure the delivery of safe and effective patient care, the committee recognized the need for an improved education system for nurses. The committee stated, “Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression” (IOM, 2011, p. 6). This key message from the IOM…
In any health care system, quality and safety of patient’s care is very important. According to my understanding, quality and safety of nursing care should include patient centred care, good communication, and teamwork. Also, a quality nursing care should be provided with dignity and respect, accountability, and advocacy.…
Patient’s outcome and safety are disturbingly low to the problem. Ideally the topic is narrowed down to a specific one sentence statement of the problem (Nieswiadomy 2012). The question is how to involve nurses in quality of care towards patients and how it could be more effective. Van Manen’s hermeneutic methodology is used to find answers for the research. These problem is clearly identified in particular article, what is the lived meaning of quality nursing care for practising nurses. The aim and problem follows logically throughout the paper. Yet data was collected (empirical and reflective analysis) by twelve nurses through audiotape and transcripts in 2008. That said, most of the needs are (caring, empathetic, respectful interactions, responsibility) findings these quality in nursing. In conclusion it recommended that nurse managers could develop some strategies such as respect and advocacy to support nurses in their practice and delivering quality of…
To begin, Butts et al inform psychologists throughout his journal that there is a need for more gun violence control which protects social norms. Members of Cure Violence explain in detail the studies they have done to change gun violence opinions. Coming from an expert’s perspective, Butts states, “It considers gun violence to be analogous to a communicable disease that passes from person to person when left untreated.” High education can cure this problem, thus eliminating deaths caused by guns. Once people understand why it is important to pay attention to the issue of gun violence, the community can work harder to monitor and increase firearm education. The world will be safer once guns are kept from those who…
Gary, J. C. (2015, June). Essential II: Safety in the clinical setting. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(6), 356.…
Collecting data on patient safety has also been a very effective way for quality improvement departments to ensure the best possible service is being provided to its patients. Once this data is collected and analyzed, it can objectively measured against the industry standards and guidelines. However, organizations must use multiple databases to compare as all measurements are not standardized so all team members must be able to interpret the data. The goal is to achieving positive outcomes, which are very important to become and remain a successful health care provider (Hook & Winchel,…
Competencies in nursing care continue to promote a boarder scope of practice to ensure safe and good quality patient-centered care. The competencies outlined by the BON for BSN nurses provide them with a better understanding of how cultural, political, economic and social issues affect patients and its influence on health care…
Nursing as a career is chosen for many different reasons. Some are interested in the human body, and others want to help those in need. The nursing experience is one not easily forgotten, but often taken for granted. Nurses and their value have been weighted more heavily in the past 10 years for its relevance to the survival of medicine. The nursing shortage has created a national outcry for the need to encourage nursing as a career. “As the nursing shortage peaked nurses who were left at the bedside found working conditions unacceptable and many left the profession in search of other work”.(Allen, Jan-Feb 2008, p. 35) The shortage gave rise to the nurse being recognized as a valued and need professional. The RN to BSN programs now available to all working RN’s helps development nurses behaviors and skills as trained professionals. Before this course my nursing practice was on auto polit. I arrived to work, and started my assignment the same way every day. I start by assessing all patients assigned to me, then review their medication, and last administer prescribed medication. I would give education when it was warranted. For instance, if a patient had received a new Foley catheter and was going home with the catheter I would education them on home use. After my transition to professional nursing I recognized the legal responsibility to safe guard the patient. After this class I increased the need to make evidenced based practice (EVP) guidelines applicable to every aspect of my nursing care. My interactions with patients during this class involved how I could use EVP to safe guard my patients and provide a high level of professional nursing care. The RN-BSN program is helping me mature and develop my nursing practice as a professional learner who uses EVP to provide the best nursing care possible.…
References: Arries, E. J. (2014). Patient safety and quality in healthcare: Nursing ethics for ethics quality. Nursing Ethics, 21(1), 3-5. doi:…
Upon our visit to Quality Models, we were given a presentation by Health and Safety Manager Tony Fuerth during which various questions were asked about the current policies and procedures in place and the direction of health and safety objectives for the future. There are many ways in which QM has shown potential for growth in areas such as loss control, risk management, and workplace violence objectives, but there are also many ways in which the company falls short.…