Nobody has to say about how quality is important for your company, you can see the results of it, or lack of it, every time you have a satisfied customer, or when competition increases market share. Unfortunately, although the concept is in vogue these days as any type of business or service carried out some kind of quality is difficult to define.
Quality is a factor that consumers refer to forward in describing favorable or unfavorable, good, service or experience. There is rarely a definition may give consumers because the quality is essentially determined on an individual basis, but there are key elements that can define and measure quality companies. This paper attempts to define quality and their elements, explain why elements are useful in today 's society, explaining about the future of quality, and show how the use of facts as a successful pioneer.
According to Goetsch and Davis (2010), quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce a higher value. This definition simply means that the quality is when the consumer needs are met or exceeded when associated with products, services, people and experiences together. Quality is also constantly changing what is considered acceptable today 's standards of quality can vary over time. For a business to be successful consumers should always get quality.
"Total quality is an approach to doing business that seeks to maximize the competitiveness of an organization through continuous improvement of the quality of their products, services, people, processes and environments" (Goetsch & Davis, 2010). There are eleven key elements of total quality.
Total quality has two components, which he and the how. The component of the
References: Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2010). Quality Management for Organizational Excellence: Introduction to total quality (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.