Background of the study Herbal medicines have been part of the ingenious way of living in the society since the earlier times. Primitive men have been using this kind of medicine as the primary method of medication without undergoing different industrial processes. Herbal medicines have really come a long journey way back to the ancient times of Herbalism. One of the considered pioneers in Herbal medical field was Imhotep, a priest-physician of the ancient Egypt, physician of Marcus Aurelius and Paracelsus, who have a wide array of knowledge in Herbalism and made a record of the uses of these plants. In line of herbal applications, Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India which is developed more than 5000 years ago, is believed to be the medicine of Hindu Gods. Ayurveda is based on the belief that our body is a balance and we get ill when this balance was disturbed. Consequently the five elements that Hindu’s believe to maintain this so-called balance are namely Smell, Taste, Sight, Touch and Hearing must preserve its equilibrium. The first two books of Ayurveda; Caraka Samhita and Susruta Samhita include a thousand of references in herbal medicines. Phytotherapy has been introduced by French for the usage of Herbs as medicines and is internationally accepted and used. To edifice a valid basis on Herbal effectiveness, there are two aspects that should be measured; internal and external validity. Internal validity includes reliable and accurate results relationship with the hypothesis under controlled conditions which satisfy the scientific community from time to time while on the other hand, External validity refers to the applicability of the method either beyond or under the experimental conditions. Part of ensuring the social value of research includes devising and implementing sound science. Although international collaborative research on herbal medicine is no exception, discussing scientific validity as an