Whilst many complementary therapies are ancient they are a relatively new addition to conventional treatments for illness and disease in the west. As people take more personal responsibility for their health and well-being, the prevalence of complementary therapies has spread and it is increasingly likely that users of health and social care services will want to use them as a complement or alternative to conventional Western medicine to treat or alleviate illness and disease.…
According to the NHS website acupuncture is performed by a practitioner called acupuncturist. The professional will insert many fine needles into the service user’s skin for therapeutic purposes. The same website states that acupuncture originated from ancient Chinese medicine. It also states that the purpose of acupuncture is to help the body to produce and release endorphins. Endorphins are pain relieving substances. If an individual is experience a lot of pain they might request to have acupuncture to see if it helps to relieve their pain.…
These barriers arise in association with how financially secure potential service users are. Whether or not an individual can attend a complementary…
P5 – An explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of complementary therapies in maintaining health and well-being.…
The term complementary medicine is used by conventional medical practitioners to refer to nom-invasive, non-pharmaceutical techniques which are used in conjunction with allopathic medical treatments such as drugs and surgery. The term implies that sometimes conventional medicine is used as a primary tool and also a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical complementary technique is used as a supplement when needed.…
Over 38 percent of individuals use the complementary and alternative medicine or CAM technique (NCCAM, 2011). Individuals enjoy the fact that they can promote health with things other than a ton of medication. Conventional medications are practiced by professionals such as psychologists, registered nurses or physical therapists (NCCAM, 2011). Alternative, complementary, and integrative are associated with CAM and conventional medication therapy (NCCAM, 2011). Mind-body medicine, natural products, and manipulative and body-based practices are categories of CAMs in which most practices can fall under (NCCAM, 2011).…
Acquiring the knowledge and understanding of how to get complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment covered by health insurance companies can be extremely convoluted and unclear—in fact, one would be hard-pressed to make a specific statement regarding CAM treatment because coverage varies so significantly depending on state laws, regulations, and differences among specific health insurance plans. Considering the use of CAM therapy requires extensive investigation of your health insurance providers’ plans to determine if any portion of this treatment will be covered; and utilization of other agencies such as the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) that provides research based-evidence indicating that the use of CAM therapies are safe and effective.…
Conventional medicine, alternative and complementary therapies can be used as an option to relieve pain and other symptoms if desired. A care plan is individualised and enveloped to cater for the service users which support their wishes, preferences and what is important to them. Pain relief should be documented.…
1. Analyze how western (allopathic) medicine could benefit from incorporating more eastern (holistic) medicine. Use at least three specific examples. (6 points)…
Complementary therapies are alternative medicines are treatments that fall outside of mainstream healthcare. Complementary therapy is known by many different terms, including alternative therapy, alternative medicine, holistic therapy and traditional medicine. These medicines and treatments range from acupuncture and homeopathy to aromatherapy, meditation and colonic irrigation. There are many reasons why people choose to use complementary therapies. Some people find they help them cope with the stresses caused by diseases such as cancer and its treatments. Many therapies are relaxing, and may lift your spirits when you aren’t feeling your best. Complementary therapies tend to share a few core beliefs, this includes:…
Acupuncture- Is a collection of procedures that involve stimulating points of the body. Some of the techniques used are penetrating the skin with small thin needles; this is one of the traditional Chinese methods. According to the traditional Chinese methods, stimulating the acupuncture points helps to correct imbalances in the flow. It has also been used to reduce depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances.…
Recently more and more Americans are turning towards alternative types of medicine rather than normal practices. There are many factors that lead individuals to these allopathic or holistic methods of healing. Some of the factors present are due to doctor availability, cultural differences, financial reasons, religious beliefs, and or limitations of modern medicine. Alternative healing has a wide variety of options such as folk healing, faith healing, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), chiropractic, and osteopathy.…
Holistic and traditional medicine both are intended to provide optimal health care while keeping your body functioning at its highest level. However, both have different approaches to treat the disease. Traditional medicine utilizes modern health sciences, latest scientific researches and different surgical options to treat various health concerns. While, holistic medicine prevents, improves and treats a variety of health conditions with various effective alternative treatment options. In this article, I will describe how both treatments differ from each other.…
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) defines complementary and alternative therapies (CAM) as the use of health care practices and products that are not considered to be part of mainstream health care practices (Jackson, Taubenberger, Botelho, Joseph, & Tennstedt, 2012). This could include vitamins, supplements, acupuncture, aromatherapy, or meditation. According to a study done by Jackson, Taubenberger, Botelho, Joseph, and Tennstedt (2012) 30% of all men who…
Complementary medicine and describe an ethical or legal issue regarding its use in treatment and what it brings to healthcare providers…