Well dude, it sounds like Queen Mab visited you last night.
Queen who?
The great Queen Mab. She assists fairies when they give birth and is no bigger than the marble stone on a councilman’s ring. Her wagon is drawn by atoms, and she rides over men’s noses as they sleep. She uses spiders' legs as the spokes of her wagon, and the harnesses are made of the tiniest spiderwebs. The cover of her wagon is made of grasshoppers' wings and the collars on the atoms are made from moonbeams. Her whip is a cricket’s bone attached to a piece of thread, and her wagon driver is a tiny gnat wearing a gray coat, barely half the size of the tiny round worms that lazy young girls hold in their hands. She uses a hazelnut shell as a chariot - it was made by a carpenter squirrel or an old grubworm; they’ve made wagons for tiny fairies as long as anyone can remember! Queen Mab rides every night through the brains of lovers on this royal wagon and makes them dream about love. When she rides over courtiers' knees, they dream about curtsying. When she rides over lawyers' fingers, they instantly dream about their fees. She rides over the lips of women, and bam! They have dreams of kisses. But, Queen Mab might put blisters on their lips …show more content…
You sound like an idiot. We aren’t five anymore - your stories need to be more convincing if you want us to believe them.
That, my friend, is the truest thing you have said all day. I think of dreams as, like, our brains turning on a mental television because it’s bored. Usually, they’re nothing but fake and meaningless - nothing but the imagination in our brain messing with us while we sleep. If I were to compare dreams to something, it would be the wind - unpredictable, also kinda like girls. See, sometimes they blow to the north and then suddenly they get angry and blow to the south.
Maybe your lack of knowledge on women is the reason why you can never get one.