We are from Uitm Arau, Perlis and currently are carrying out a research for our project paper regarding petrol station. We would be grateful if you could spare some time to answer a few questions.
Name of the Visitor : _____________________________
Date of visit : _____________________________
Sex of the visitor : _____________________________
Age of the visitor : _____________________________
Marital Status : _____________________________
Have you previously visited this petrol station or is this your first visit?
(Pernahkah anda dating ke stesen minyak ini atau ini yang pertama kali?) First time visit (Kali pertama) Second time visit (Kali kedua) Numerous visit (Beberapa kali)
Not sure (Tidak pasti)
Do you become the regular customer for this petrol station?
(Adakah anda menjadi pelanggan tetap stesen minyak ini) Yes (Ya) No (Tidak) (If yes, please answer the next question) (Jika ya, sila jawab soalan yang berikutnya)
How often do you come to this petrol station?
(Berapa kerap anda datang ke stesen minyak?) Once in a week ( Sekali seminggu)
Only when needed (Bila perlu)
2 – 3 times a week ( 2 – 3 kali seminggu)
How did you come to know this petrol station?
(Bagaimana anda mengetahui mengenai stesen minyak ini?) Friends and Relatives Advertisement
Sign Board
Closed to my house
Are you satisfied with the service offered by this petrol station presently?
(Adakah anda berpuas hati dengan servis yang diberikan oleh stesen minyak ini?)