This Survey is done to determine household preferences in regards to their retail shopping for soft drinks. This questionnaire will take you around 7 minutes
1. Do you consume soft drinks?
Yes No
If yes, continue with question 2 and skip question 11
If no, jump to question 11
2. How often do you consume soft drinks?
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Occasionally
3. How many persons are involved in the consumption of soft drinks with you?
a) 1 person
b) 2 persons
c) 3 persons
d) 4 persons
e) More than 4 persons
4. In general, who is usually involved more in the purchase decision?(you may choose more than one answer)
a) You
b) Partner
c) Father
d) Mother
e) Children
f) All of the above
g) Other...............................(Please Specify)
5. Which of the following soft drinks do you prefer more? (you may choose more than one answer)
a) Pepsi
b) Coke
c) Diet Pepsi
d) Diet Coke
e) 7-up
f) Sprite
g) Diet 7-up
h) Diet Sprite
i) Fanta
j) Miranda
k) Schweppes
l) Fayrouz
m) Other...............................(Please Specify)
6. How do you usually buy soft drinks?
a) By car
b) On foot
c) Order home delivery
d) Other...............................(Please Specify)
7. Where do you usually buy soft drinks?
a) Kiosks
b) Super-markets
c) Hypermarkets
d) All of the above
e) Other...............................(Please Specify)
8. Rank the following in the space provided from 1 to 4 according to your preference in regards to retail shopping (1 to be your first choice, and 4 to be your last choice)
a) Kiosks ___
b) Super-markets ___
c) Hyper-markets ___
d) Wholesalers ___
9. What are the factors that affect your decision when choosing the type of retail shop?(you may choose more than one answer)
a) Parking space
b) Promotional discounts
c) Display of products
d) Variety of products
e) Loyalty to the retail shop
f) Location of the retail shop
g) Availability of preferred soft