Some of these children were unable to sever the ties of their past, for a few this caused an impact to their health and ended up costing their lives. I wonder if the cases of death by home-sickness were viewed as accomplishments by the administrators of this experiment. Was this a success because the child (who failed to kill his inner-Indian) died? This seems to take the initial idea of “kill the Indian and save the man” a step further by creating a fail-safe—if killing t he inner Indian proved unsuccessful, then maybe the problem will solve itself with a fatal bout of homesickness (“the only good Indian is a dead one”). I found it
Some of these children were unable to sever the ties of their past, for a few this caused an impact to their health and ended up costing their lives. I wonder if the cases of death by home-sickness were viewed as accomplishments by the administrators of this experiment. Was this a success because the child (who failed to kill his inner-Indian) died? This seems to take the initial idea of “kill the Indian and save the man” a step further by creating a fail-safe—if killing t he inner Indian proved unsuccessful, then maybe the problem will solve itself with a fatal bout of homesickness (“the only good Indian is a dead one”). I found it