Mrs. Capalbo
US I Honors, Pd. 2
6 December 2012
I. Afri. In Amer. A. Climate in South & effect on slave pop. 1. Labor = life-draining 2. S. Carolina rice & indigo plants. cost lives of many male slaves→Result→Fresh slave imports sustain cruel conditions B. Slaves of tobacco growing Chesapeake & their pop. growth 1. Tobacco less demanding than crops of deep South – plants. lrgr+closer to one another than rice & indigo plants a. Size+proxim. of plants. permitted slaves freq. contact with friends & relatives 2. 1720 – pop. of females in Chesapeake slave pop. began to rise a. Slave family life possible 3. Captive black pop. grew through import and own fertility C. African influence on Amer. culture 1. Native-born Afr. Americans contributed to growth of slave culture a. mix of Afr. and Amer. elements of speech, religion, and folkways 2. On sea islands off S. Carolina’s coast, blacks evolved new language, Gullah a. Blended English with several African languages 3. Ringshout – W. African religious dance → brought to colonial America by slaves and contributed to development of jazz D. Slave labor effect on America and the slave pop. 1. Some slaves became artisans – carpenters, bricklayers, & tanners 2. Most cleared swamps, grubbed out trees, & others 3. Slave revolt erupted in NYC – 1712 → caused lives of dozens of whites and exec. of 21 blacks a. Some slaves burned on the stake 4. >50 S. Carolina revolted in 1739 – tried to march to Spanish Florida → suppressed by local militia 5. Slaves more manageable than white indentured servants – no slave rebellion in Amer. history matched Bacon’s Rebellion
II. Southern Society A. Gaps in South’s social structure 1. Rough equality of poverty & disease of early days → defined hierarchy of wealth+status in early 18th century 2. Top of southern social ladder = small but powerful group of great