A quinceañera is a religious tradition in the Hispanic culture in which a girl, is also called a quinceañera, is welcomed to womanhood. When reaching womanhood she is considered to be more of an adult than a child. The quinceañera attends a church service dressed in a beautiful dress with maids of honor and chambermaids that accompany her. The parents and godparents sit with the quinceañera during the church service. The mass symbolizes her reaching maturity as her family will now view her as an adult. During mass the priest gives her his bless. At the end of the mass, chambermaids and maids of honor pass bolos, which are small gifts to the guest. The …show more content…
quinceañera would often put her bouquet of flowers at the feet of a statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe. At the end of the party there will be food and music; if the quinceañera chooses not to have a party she is allowed to go to a trip instead, but most prefer to have a party. The most important dance in a quinceañera is the traditional waltz. The young woman and her favorite chambermaid dance together. A quinceañera is a special event that many girls look forward.
My culture celebrates the quinceañera tradition with many other events. When I was 14 my parents asked me if I wanted a quinceañera, I told them no, I told them no because I thought it was just a big party for girly girls. They didn’t really explained to me why a quinceañera is celebrated. I felt like if I had interacted more with my family I would possibly have chosen to have one. When my cousin had a quinceañera I was one of her sponsors. I question myself why I didn’t chose to have one. In my opinion, I think interacting with my family can help me learn more about my family’s culture and beliefs.
In order to learn about my family’s cultural and beliefs I need to do an Ethnography.
The type of research that would be appropriate would be Participant Observation, because I’ll be able to observe and participate in my own family culture. I’ll get the opportunity to live with my family, understand their
cultural beliefs and traditions. I want to learn the history behind my family’s culture. I want to be able to state why people choose to follow this tradition. Furthermore, I would also need to use a secondary method known as Semi-Structure. Semi-Structure is define as the method of using questionnaires and interviews to gain a better knowledge about my topic. Using this two types of research methods I will understand why the culture and style of living makes sense to my family.
A quinceañera is a Hispanic culture event that many girls look forward to, it’s a symbol of reaching womanhood. In order, to do ethnography I will use participant observation and semi-structure research. A quinceañera relates to cultural anthropology because culture is learned and shared knowledge that is passed from generations to generations. Also, it symbolizes something to a culture. I feel like me and my siblings follow more the American tradition than our parent’s tradition. I look forward to this because I’ll get to understand and be able to participate in my own family
Work Cited
Blum, Jonathan. “Quinceañera!” Scholastic Action Sep 2005: 18-20. ProQuest Web. 11 Sep. 2014
Perez M. Quinceañera, New Moon [serial online]. January 1999;6(3):30. Available from: MasterFILE Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed September 11, 2014
Williams, Collen Madonna Flood. “Local Festivals, Personal Parties, Food Fiestas, and Ferias.” Festivals of Mexico (2003): 46. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.