The previous campaign had pulled the Mountain Dew brand into more contemporary terrain, but it was not getting them into the so called urbane terrain.
By 1998, PepsiCo managers were concerned that the advertising campaign was becoming too predictable. In particular, they were concerned that the use of campaign of sports was becoming less impactful due to the long time from which it was going on. Many other brands, Bagel Bites, AT&T, and Gillette Extreme Deodorant were now becoming major sponsors of sports events and were on the same track as that of mountain dew which was reducing their impact. In order to distinguish itself from other brands they had to find alternative ways to express Mountain Dew’s distinctive features.
The sales of mountain dew were decreasing due to the media budget restrictions which was a make-or-break decision and due to the same theme of their advertisements. Also the key competitors in both the Carbonated Soft Drink and non-carbonated drinks segments were raising their advertisement budgets and adopted a different strategy by choosing the right ads to maximize the impact of their product. They had to expand the appeal of Mountain dew to new users and at the same time hold the existing user by reinforcing a new image of mountain dew on them. This strategy was boiled down to a single sentence to focus the development of new creative: Symbolize that drinking Mountain Dew is an exhilarating experience.
Answer 2
PepsiCo was widely considered to be one of the most sophisticated and aggressive marketing companies in the world. In North America, the company had three divisions, each with category leading brands. They were facing a challenge in order to portray a slightly different image of mountain dew in order to attract new customers. So they decided to launch their advertisement in the Super Bowl as it had been highly influential event for advertisers for decades. Super Bowl ads provided a powerful sales platform and motivated