“The poor will always have with you” (Mark 14:7). This quote implies to me that we are all poor in some sense (money, family, emotions, job, home…). That we carry the burden of this with us and that we must work to overcome this and enrich ourselves and others.
“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Mark 12:17). This quote tells me that a ruler can only control and hold certain things, likely possessions such as earthly goods. It tells me that God is in control of all other items in our life and that we can only give those things, your soul, to God. You must follow the rules of the leader, however ultimately you must follow the rules of God. …show more content…
This tells me that we all have it inside ourselves to act and treat others the way God would want us to. That God is with you every step of your life.
I believe that all of the quotes have ethical implication:
In Mark 14:7 you are obligated to help those that have less then you have. You must open your heart and hands to help yourself and others, forgiving debts/loans that others cannot repay and giving freely without consideration of repayment (emotional or financial).
In Mark 12:17 you must live your life according to God, you cannot mindlessly follow the earthly leader (as was done in WWII with Hitler).
In Luke 17:21 you should practice kindness, forgiveness and reject evil thoughts and actions.
PART II-What the verse means to me in its literary context:
When I read the verse “The poor will always have with you” Mark 14:7 in its literary context (Mark 14:1-11) I feel like Jesus is once more telling the disciples that he will not be with them much longer and that the disciples need to take care, and not judge the actions, of the people that will support their teaching and the message of the kingdom of God. This verse is the night before Passover, Jesus knows that he is going to be betrayed, this woman has recognized Jesus as worthy of anointment with what is likely all she has of value, yet the disciples cannot recognize this and judge him unworthy of this anointment. This understanding is different from my original understanding