I. Argument
Republic Act No. 10175 curtails a persons freedom of expression. People do not have the right to dictate other people’s actions.
II. Evidence As stated in Section 19 of RA 10175, “Restricting or Blocking Access to Computer Data. — When a computer data is prima facie found to be in violation of the provisions of this Act, the DOJ shall issue an order to restrict or block access to such computer data.” this will enable the government to delete any data they find libellous, even if the data is not libellous as long as the government says so, the data will be taken down. Freedom of expression enables the citizens to raise their opinions and concerns to the government so that the government will be aware of the changes they need to do for the citizens to be more comfortable. III. Analysis Corruption is inevitable in the government. It has been proven that the Philippine government is one of the most corrupt governments in the world. The government would do anything to look good to the citizens. They would even take down any information that would make them look bad. Despite having advantages such as punishing those who commit hacking and theft, RA 10175 curtails a person’s freedom of expression. Everyone needs the freedom to express their opinions to the government. Expressing opinions will help the government change for the better, for they know what the people think they should do, which will help the entire community but RA 10175 will enable the government to take down any data in the internet they think is libellous. IV. Sources:
Unknown (2012, September 12). Republic Act No. 10175. Retrieved from: http://www.gov.ph/2012/09/12/republicactno10175/ Unknown (2012, October 8). CYBERCRIME LAW 101: 12 dangers of RA 10175. Retrieved from: http://kabataanpartylist.com/blog/cybercrimelaw10112thingsyouneedtoknowaboutra10175/ Virani, Maahir (2012) Corruption Avoidable or Inevitable?. Retrieved from: http://www.publishyourarticles.net/knowledgehub/essay/corruptionavoidableorinevitableessay.html