a manner which seems undone because of race or sexuatlility. This is something that police officers use to help them arrest and usually convict drug dealers, prostitutes, pick pocketers, and gang members. They are identified by their clothes, the way they react to officers and the way they congerate at times of the day. For example, do you see anyone getting arrested for prostitution in the lobby of a hotel bar, the answer is no. The reason why is because of that they dont dress in high-heels, fish-net pantyhose, tube tops and a plastic mini-skirt. But the street prostitutes do dress like that and that is why they draw attention to themselves. That is one of the reasons that Racial Profiling is a good thing and should not be outlawed.
a manner which seems undone because of race or sexuatlility. This is something that police officers use to help them arrest and usually convict drug dealers, prostitutes, pick pocketers, and gang members. They are identified by their clothes, the way they react to officers and the way they congerate at times of the day. For example, do you see anyone getting arrested for prostitution in the lobby of a hotel bar, the answer is no. The reason why is because of that they dont dress in high-heels, fish-net pantyhose, tube tops and a plastic mini-skirt. But the street prostitutes do dress like that and that is why they draw attention to themselves. That is one of the reasons that Racial Profiling is a good thing and should not be outlawed.