A key component to the film was its historical references. Throughout the movie they mentioned the battle of Gettysburg and busing. During camp coach Boone and the Titans ran a vigorous course eventually leading to the memorial of the battle of Gettysburg. In July 1863 a war was fought because the American civil war wanted to stop slavery. He taught the team that they shouldn’t be fighting the same battle that black and white men fought centuries ago. Whenever the team was having difficulty they thought of that important moment. Another historical reference was the busing. Busing was the forced transportation of children away from neighbourhood schools to distant classrooms. In the movie Virginia was experiencing the same thing, they were learning to work …show more content…
Every scene of the movie was working on or confronting racial tolerance. Emma would not even shake hands with Julius when the busing was occurring. All through the movie she discouraged what Gerry was doing but as she realised that race wasn’t important she introduced herself. Another example of racial tolerance was at camp. Coach Boone forced the team to sit down and learn some important facts about the opposite race. As they progressed and learnt they became great friends. Another important thing came out of the camp. Friendship, many true friendships where discovered on the training camp. Remember the Titans is more than a film about winning its about racial