Although, I have answered all the research questions in this paper and showed evidence for the possible existence of a connection between racism and racial profiling it is not enough empirical research to support it (Kahn &McMahon, 2015). However, you do not need research to observe that there is a problem that needs to be addressed and fast. This was a very difficult topic for me to research and write about because I needed not to be bias in my views no matter where the research took me, but I did want to be fair because I care for all people. My suggestion to law enforcement is there must be a procedural change addressing a better way to lessen the threat of a possible suspect without having to use deadly force. For example, a man whether he is Black or White is holding a knife there is no reason to shoot to kill when you can just as easily shoot in the arm or leg to gain the upper hand. The topic of racial profiling and racism is a complex one and cannot be totally proven. It is my belief that it is happening, but not always because of racism or prejudices. All human life is equally important. If the only difference we have as humans is the color of our skin then it is imperative we find more effective ways to keep our society safe and peaceful without our law
Although, I have answered all the research questions in this paper and showed evidence for the possible existence of a connection between racism and racial profiling it is not enough empirical research to support it (Kahn &McMahon, 2015). However, you do not need research to observe that there is a problem that needs to be addressed and fast. This was a very difficult topic for me to research and write about because I needed not to be bias in my views no matter where the research took me, but I did want to be fair because I care for all people. My suggestion to law enforcement is there must be a procedural change addressing a better way to lessen the threat of a possible suspect without having to use deadly force. For example, a man whether he is Black or White is holding a knife there is no reason to shoot to kill when you can just as easily shoot in the arm or leg to gain the upper hand. The topic of racial profiling and racism is a complex one and cannot be totally proven. It is my belief that it is happening, but not always because of racism or prejudices. All human life is equally important. If the only difference we have as humans is the color of our skin then it is imperative we find more effective ways to keep our society safe and peaceful without our law