Racism has been a blockade of preventing progression in our society. Even more so, society also ignores other issues alongside of racism. As a society, I believe we should recognize the core issues of wrongdoing that our society has perpetrated. Furthermore, Harlon L. Dalton, a professor and writer of “Horatio Alger” argues, “In a nutshell, my objection to the Alger myth is that it serves to maintain the racial pecking order”(3). Dalton is implying by ignoring the race issue and go solely off of merit, society is only reinforcing the racial caste system. Dalton continues to argue, “It does so by mentally bypassing the role of race in American Society” (3). Again Dalton is implying, by ignoring racism, society is ignoring the role of race in American society. In the United States, it is well known to be a very racially diverse population. By ignoring the racial diversity, society is ignoring the founding principles of the United States, which is embracing diversity. Thus, creating a very unprogressive society. By being an unprogressive society, it only contributes more to history’s system of …show more content…
Blow is implying that many minority races have chose to victimize themselves and separate from standard norms, and now whites are trying to do the same. However, this is not entirely true. While it may be true that many people victimize themselves by screaming racism, racism is not a result of it. This is because it is essential to recognize the roots of racism. Racism roots from the belief of superiority of a specific race and later results in discrimination. Once a specific race begins to act superior, that is when racism starts to build up. Those who are in the belief that they are the superior race, turn the other cheek when a person outside of their race is involved with them. They often look down on other races and believe they are more worthy. This ultimately causes the effect of racism, which is