stated that doing chores is not fair, because he is not the only one at home that make the mess. Raekwan stated, he gets punished. Raekwan completed the worksheet. Raekwan stated, being kind to other, being responsible and being respectful to adults. Raekwan stated, losing privileges, cell phone be taken away, video game taken away and not being able to have friend over. Raekwan stated, no running in the halls, no cell phone use, no fighting, no bulling, no using bad words, not stealing, and respect others. Raekwan completed the worksheet.
stated that doing chores is not fair, because he is not the only one at home that make the mess. Raekwan stated, he gets punished. Raekwan completed the worksheet. Raekwan stated, being kind to other, being responsible and being respectful to adults. Raekwan stated, losing privileges, cell phone be taken away, video game taken away and not being able to have friend over. Raekwan stated, no running in the halls, no cell phone use, no fighting, no bulling, no using bad words, not stealing, and respect others. Raekwan completed the worksheet.