It seems that a release date of August 11, 2016 does not appear appropriate for Rashad at this time. Rashad has a pending custody court date on September 1, 2016 at the City of Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. This case manager was informed by his parole officer that the court date is to determine if he will go into foster care. In addition, Rashad continues to display significant behavioral concerns. Rashad had a MHSTP screening on April 18, 2016, which determined he did not meet criteria for a …show more content…
On June 2, 2016, while serving room restriction for another offense, Rashad made direct threats to harm staff and was observed attempting to provoke other residents to physically attack that staff member. Rashad has flat out refused staff directives in his most recent incident, which resulted in a 48 hour room restriction. On June 23, 2016, Rashad again made direct threats towards staff and became verbally aggressive towards staff when redirected. This incident is the latest in which he has made direct threats towards staff. In addition he remained defiant for several hours following his placement on room restriction and continued to ignore staff directives. This behavior is not only displayed in the CPP Unit, but he displays negative behaviors in the classroom and within a group setting; which results in disruption of services for other residents, as well as persuading others to be disruptive. Rashad does not appear to be motivated by the negative reinforcement initiated through the CJDH Behavior Management Program, or by the rewards-based incentives he can earn through the program commissary. Rashad often times informs