Introduction: To many of us, the definition of home is consistently referred to as the place where one lives perpetually, particularly as a member of a family or household. However, the definition in a textbook does not take into account the stories we carry on our shoulders and the powerful impacts people contribute upon us.
First supporting point: An excessive amount of social support concludes ‘home’ …show more content…
105) o Granite: “There’s a shitstorm coming when we cash this ticket … A shitstorm that’ll change everything” (pg. 114)
• Who ever said “money can buy happiness” never understood priceless relationships that money cannot buy o Happier when life was simple on the streets—knew how to survive vs. abusing the circumstances that come with copious amounts of money o Double Dick was scared when their income skyrocketed:
♣ Double Dick: “Well, in the movies when I don’t know what’s gonna happen I’m excited. Now I’m just scared … Scared that everything’s gonna be different on accounta we’re rich. I don’t know how to be rich. An’ I scared that on accounta everything bein’ different that we’re not gonna be together no more” (pg. 87)
• Housing o Although homeless, don’t need a home to feel ‘at home’
♣ Amelia left the big house on Indian Road but still visits because she misses the feeling of being at home (with Timber, Digger, Granite, Margo and James): “I come home … talk about the old days … we talk a lot about home” (pg.