Agree people should change the driving age to eighteen for three reasons. Eighteen-years-old are more responsible, mature, and educated to be driving on the roads than sixteen-year-olds.…
Do you like having your parents driving you around where you need to go? Or having to go places on your parents time because their busy or too tired to drive? No teen want that, especially if they can drive themselves. They are trying to establish a new law that teen can get their licenses when they turn 18 when they are more responsible instead of 16. The 16 year old driving age should stay the same instead of trying to increase the age because it can teach teens more about responsibility, gives teens more freedom, and they can just increase the practice driving hours instead of the age.…
I’m sure there are parents out there who don’t agree with raising the driving age to eighteen. They might think that this is a bad thing because they might need help running errands like going to get groceries or getting their younger siblings from activities they might’ve had. But in the end, would you really want your kid to be going onto the road not as educated about driving at sixteen, or waiting and driving when they are ready at eighteen? They will be more responsible, mature, and raising the age limit could be helpful to the teenagers life and…
Many have disagreed that the minimum driving age should be raised from 16 to 18. It should stay at 16. There are many advantages to driving at an age younger than 18. Various teenagers are unable to participate in extracurricular activities due to no available way to get to and from the activity, teens are able to get jobs and need a way of transportation without depending so much on their parents, and numerous high school graduates are younger than 18 or just turned 18.…
Should the driving age be raised to the age of 18? My answer is no, because there is not that great of a difference in maturity between the age of 16 and the age of 18. I got my permit and began driving at the age of 15. By doing so I had almost a year of driving experience, with a parent, by the time I turned 16. I got my drivers license when I turned 16, and my parents bought me my first car. In my own opinion I believe I am a pretty decent driver. I have never been in a wreck nor have I ever been pulled over. My friend’s parents have always trusted them to ride along with me. I am a pretty good driver, but am I great? No, but no driver is. Teenagers are not the only people involved to car accidents older people make mistakes…
For sixteen years, teenagers look forward to the day they get the ultimate freedom: driving, but with this freedom there comes risks. Every day another life is lost to teen driving. Along with risking their lives, teenagers are also not mentally prepared to handle the consequences that could come with driving. They are not only putting their life at risk, but the lives of others. No mother or father wants to bury their child, and this would be less likely if the driving age was raised. The legal driving age should be raised to save lives and have more mature drivers on the road.…
Teenage accident rates and mortality rates have increased dramatically over the years. Nothing that the parents do and law enforces will protect the teens all the time, especially from themselves. Teenagers do not realize the responsibility that comes with driving. They are often distracted with other things such as texting while driving. Most importantly, parents always worry about the safety of their kids on the road. Some people may say that the driving age should stay at the age of 16; however, raising the driving age to 18 will create safer and more responsible drivers. Firstly, teenagers are very careless. In addition, increasing the minimum driving age will allow teenagers more time to get comfortable with driving. Finally, the number of fatal accidents will be reduced. Therefore, the minimum driving age should be raised from 16 to 18.…
Changing the minimum age for driving will change people’s lives drastically. Many teens who look forward to driving when they turn 16, will be forced to rely on their parents to get around for 2 more years. Most parents don’t have the time to drive their kid everywhere they need to go, which, will make teens less likely to get a job. Teens will be given less responsibility at a younger age so they won’t be as responsible when they turn 18. I believe that changing the minimum driving age from 16 to 18 will not benefit as many people as leaving it the same.…
The people that get into most car crashes are teens. Fifteen to eighteen year-olds die because of drunk driving. Should the driving age be raised to eighteen? Well in my opinion, no. That wont help them grow there learning ability about driving. Even though there are mostly teen car accidents in a year.…
Lastly, teenagers actually dislike the idea that they have to depend for their parents for everything. We don't like asking our parent to chauffeur us everywhere, especially up to the point we graduated from high school. Once we graduated from high school, would the parents still want us to move up to the real world without a license ?! So learning how to drive at a young age is one of the biggest steps to adulthood and the age for driving shouldn't be…
Another major reason I think that the driving age should be raised to 18 is because young drivers are not experienced. There are many factors that young teens are not aware of while driving, and don’t pay attention to all their surroundings on the very dangerous road ways. One inexperience would be that young drivers may follow to…
Because of safety concerns, many states have increased the age at which teens can begin to drive. Some teenagers at the age of 16 are responsible. Some 16 year olds are irresponsible. Also, all 18 year olds are not responsible and able to drive the correct way. The state legislature should not raise the minimum age from 16 to 18 because some 16 year olds have a job and need transportation, a few may not like to depend on individuals to drive them back and forth, and many teenagers like to do their own things and not always with their parents.…
* Teens cannot wait to be sixteen and driving. Some parents just do not want their children to drive when they are teenagers because parents start to get a little worried. The driving age should be raised up to 18 because teens can be a little careless. Driving at…
According to the site, there are fewer drunk driving traffic accidents and fatalities in many countries with a minimum drinking age of 18. This is a statistic which is supporting lowering the drinking age. This is showing how there is a drop in numbers of people who are involved in drunk driving accidents because their drinking age is 18. When you lower the drinking age, it makes the urge and temptation of alcohol not as high. When they are able to start drinking at a younger age, they are able to learn how to maintain a healthy balance of the substance. Also, when something is so readily available to them there is not as high as a craving for it. Lowering the drinking age while raising the driving age also gives…
Others would argue against this and say that they should raise the driving age because teens are not experienced enough when they first start driving and think that all teens are not responsible enough to own a car and drive it.In the Traffic Safety Facts, it states that “In 2008 5,864 15 to 20-year-old drivers were involved in fatal crashes”.Many people want the driving age raised because of all these fatal crashes and there is a lot of statistics and facts that a lot of teens are getting into fatal crashes so many people don't feel safe driving around with teens because they feel like they might get involved in one of these fatal crashes with a teen.Also, parents feel like their kid's lives are in danger every day because they don't know what would happen on the road with many teens that are not experienced at driving.On the other hand, if these driving programs are issued in every state the roads will be safer.In the article Teenage Driving Laws May Just Delay Deadly Crashes, Dr.Matsen states “New Jerseys tough laws may have just shifted the effect to 21-year-olds,similar to the way tough restrictions on 16 and 17-year-olds were followed in a spike in deadly crashes among 18 years old in other states”.Parents and people don't need to worry about teens getting in fatal crashes on the road if the driving programs are issued around the country then everyone will be safe,and with the driving programs issues around the country they don't need to raise the driving age because…