2. Who are the Radical Republicans and what do they hope to achieve? Loyal unionists, they became instant targets after 1865. They wanted instant change, granting full rights to the freed men which the southern slave culture despises.
3. What is the Freedman’s Bureau? What did it do? The Freedmans Bureau is Americas first major relief organization. It was responsible for the general welfare of newly freed slaves, including creating schools and helping blacks obtain their own land.
4. Why was the Freedman’s Bureau unsuccessful? It was unsuccessful due to it being under-funded and under-staffed.
5. Why do many historians consider former President Andrew Johnson to be a white supremacist? He was against slavery; why was he AGAINST equal rights for African-
Many consider Andrew Johnson to be a white supremacist because he despises the institution of slavery because of the power it grants. Simply, he has no desire to see racial equality brought to the south or anywhere in America.
6. How did many Confederates regain government power in the Southern states? Johnson had much leniency toward the ex-rebels. He makes it easy for the southern states to return to the union, with no punishments and no questions asked. Soon, southern states restore their governments to pre-civil war status. Elections resulted in many ex-confederates.
7. What are “Black Codes?” Black Codes are harsh laws that are designed to regulate the lives of blacks. To control their movements and to force them back on to plantation as farm laborers.
• What were their immediate effects? They prohibit blacks from owning fire arms, buying