Lowin (1968) observed that, a rater’s attitude and behaviour enhananced ratee’s performance. Rater may support and show approval of those ratees who have shown high performance. Greene; 1975 examined the co-relation between rater behaviour, ratee performance and development. It was observed that rater behaviour and ratee performance are mutually reciprocal. Highly considerate raters, who emphasized structure, caused higher ratee performance. Additionally, ratee performance caused changes in a rater’s emphasis on both consideration and structure. Many raters initiate corrective structures for ratees with low performance yet, when combined with low consideration, these do not produce desired improvements. This forms the essence of Rater - Ratee Exchange Model. …show more content…
Models espouse that these behaviours result not only in increased ratee motivation and development but greater organizational achievement. A developmental aspect differs from exchange models of rater (transactional rater) in that the fundamental nature of developmental aspects involves inspiring, developing and empowering