A contemporary philosopher, John Rawls (1921-2002), is noted for his contributions to political and moral philosophy. In particular, Rawls ' discussion about justice introduced five important concepts into discourse, including: the two principles of justice, the “original position” and “veil of ignorance”. Rawls most famous work is, A Theory of Justice (1971) gives an introduction to this body of thought and he emphasises the importance justice has on governing and organising a society. The problem arises by defining what the term means theoretically. One of two definitions can be used, the first being definition based on ones merit or lack thereof. This “merit theory” of justice uses merit to decide how an individual of the society will be treated based on the contribution to the society. The other is the “need theory” of justice where is it assumed every individual should help those in need or who are less privileged. Attempting to balance the demands posed by these rival theories, Rawls maintained that inequalities in society can only be justified if they produce increased benefits for the entire society and only if those previously the most disadvantaged members of society are no worse off as a result of any inequality. An inequality, then, is justified if it contributes to social utility, as the merit theory asserts. But, at the same time, Rawls argued, priority must be given to the needs of the least advantaged, as the needs theory asserts. Thus, differential rewards are allowed to the advantaged members of society but not because of any merit on their part. No, these rewards are tolerated because they provide an incentive for the advantaged which ultimately will prove beneficial to society (e.g., taxing the advantaged with the goal of redistributing the wealth to provide for the least advantaged). Original Stand Using “the original position” and experimental thought where agents behind “veil of ignorance” choose
References: Aristotle. (1958). Nicomachean ethics (W. D. Ross, Trans.) In J. D. Kaplan (Ed.), The pocket Aristotle (pp. 158-274). New York: Washington Square Press. Maclagan, P. (1998). Management & morality. Thousand Oaks, IL: Sage Press. Rawls, J. (2001). Justice as fairness: A restatement. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press. Rawls, J. (1999a). A theory of justice (rev. ed.). Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press. Rawls, J. (1999b). The law of peoples with “the idea of public reason” revisited. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Rawls, J. (1996). Political liberalism. New York: Columbia University Press. Rawls, J. (1971). A theory of justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Thompson, D. F. (1990). Political ethics and public office. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. ponsibility or chains of command.