Month / Year Elkhart% Indiana% National%
3/2013 8.4% 8.1% 7.6%
The website shows that Elkhart County is at 8.6% and equal to state rate (+/-0.3) than the state at 8.1%.
According to the website the National unemployment is 7.6%. Elkhart County is at 8.2% higher than the National average.
Unemployment rates, white and all workers, by state (fourth quarter 2012 and projected fourth quarter 2013)
The white ethnic group shows that in 2012 Indiana was at 6.8 % and projected to be at 6.9% in 2013 showing no improvement between both years.
Unemployment rates, Hispanic and all workers, by state (fourth quarter 2012 and projected fourth quarter 2013).
No data was available on the table for the Hispanic ethnic group in the state of Indiana; however information on this website states that “Northeastern states continue to have the highest Hispanic unemployment rates among the states with sufficient sample size for reliable statistics.
According to the website there is a discrepancy in the unemployment rates between African Americans and Whites in the state of Indiana. The chart on the website states that in the 3rd quarter of 2011 the unemployment rate in the state of Indiana for whites was 7.6% while the unemployment rate for African Americans was 19.8%. In the 4th quarter in the year 2012 the unemployment rate in the state of Indiana for whites was 7.9% while the unemployment rate