A planner will emphasize on reach when a new product is introduced. This is because new brands or products need a very high level of reach since the objective is to make all potential buyers aware of the new entry. Other than that, high reach is also desired at later stages of the product cycle. For example, when introducing the new use for the product in order to expand its market share. In this case, reach is important to let more potential customers to aware the changes of the product. In addition, planner will emphasize on reach when launching a promotion for a product or event. This is due to promotion requires talking to a lot of peoples for creating the promotion’s awareness.
On the other hand, a planner will emphasize on frequency based on the media factors such as the attentiveness of the media vehicle. In this case, the higher the level of attention achieved by the media vehicle, the less frequency is required, and low attention getting media will require more repetitions or frequency. Furthermore, the more advertising that appears in the media used, the more frequency is needed to break through the clutter. Moreover, new brand