Journal of Business Ethics (2010) 91:299–311
DOI 10.1007/s10551-009-0084-2
The Ethics of Food Advertising Targeted
Toward Children: Parental Viewpoint
ABSTRACT. The children’s market has become significantly more important to marketers in recent years. They have been spending increasing amounts on advertising, particularly of food and beverages, to reach this segment.
At the same time, there is a critical debate among parents, government agencies, and industry experts as to the ethics of food advertising practices aimed toward children.
The present study examines parents’ ethical views of food advertising targeting children. Findings indicate that parents’ beliefs concerning at least some dimensions of moral intensity are significantly related to their ethical judgments and behavioral intentions of food advertising targeting children as well as the perceived moral intensity of the situation.
KEY WORDS: parents, children, ethics, food advertising
The children’s market has become significantly important to marketers (McNeal, 1998). Many marketers spend millions of dollars on advertising to reach this growing segment (Jardine and Wentz, 2005).
More specifically, food and beverage companies in the
USA spend an estimated US $10–12 billion targeting children and adolescents (McKay, 2005). According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, children are exposed to more than 7,600 commercials on candy, cereal, and fast food in any given year (Kotz, 2007).
The effects of advertising on children have been highly debated among various groups, including parents, researchers, industry experts, and government agencies. One of the primary debates has been the potential impact of food advertising directed at children. A variety of institutions are involved in this debate. Some of these organizations such as public advocacy groups criticize the food companies and television networks concerning the increased amounts spent as well as
References: of Applied Social Psychology 31(5), 1038–1057.