This study evaluated the male bowerbirds ability to mate and the female preference in mating.
The importance of bowerbird’s courtship has been a topic of discussion for a very long time as bowerbirds are very unique in their way of mating. Several reasons exist to why bowerbirds build bowers in the first place and where this ability originated. This critical review examines three different articles based on the bowerbird species. The first is written by Gerald Borgia titled Why do bowerbirds build bowers, second is Female choice for parasite-free male satin bowerbirds and the evolution of bright male plumage written by Gerald Borgia and Ken Collis and thirdly is an article written by Gerald Borgia titled Complex male display and female choice in spotted bowerbird: specialized function for different bower decorations. The first article, Why do bowerbirds build bowers, gives a general idea of the characteristics of bowerbirds. It provides background information on how bowerbirds differ in several characteristics such as the type and colour of court decorations used and also the type of bower constructed. It was also mentioned that while bowerbirds use decorations and bowers for displaying some bowerbirds have brightly coloured crest and