Richard Rodriguez is a mirror makes readers look back their education experience and family relationship. Rodriguez was chasing the end of education for a long time until he wrote this essay and read Richard Hoggart's book. He is trying to make a tight combination of education, family and growth process. For his argument of the end of education, readers always misunderstand the end is one kind of academic success. But compare with author's essay and my own experience. Staying closely with family and share experiences and opinions with them are true achievement of education. In the beginning, Rodriguez build a wall set him and family apart, and he blames on his ambition of academic. Actually, he ignores his family's love and care from many details of daily life. He family wants to bring Rod out of unusual addiction of studies. His brother would laugh, shouting: "Hey, Four eyes!"(516) and his mother would ask: "What do you see in your book?"(516) when Rod
was focusing on his reading. According Rodriguez's background, he comes from an immigrant family and wills to enter into local social environment . Rodriguez's teacher said "He was losing all trace of a Spanish accent." From here, we could easily realize how hard he try to be normal student like others else, he even seek any help from his parents. Rod is always trying to figure every single problem out by himself. Unquestionable, Rod gets talent on academic, he became little bit arrogant when he grew increasingly successful. That makes him despising communicate with his family members. "I spoke to classmates and teachers more often each day than family members."(519) Apparently, Rod was not a speechless boy at all, but his overconfidence let him never respect his parents teaching mentally. Oppositely Rodriguez "flaunted before both my parent,"(519) and he "insist on correcting and teaching his parents with the remark: 'My teacher told us...' " Increasingly