However, while Anzaldua refers to herself as Chicano (Mexican American), describing in great detail the challenges of learning yet another acceptable way to communicate, (“for people who live in a country in which English is the reining tongue but who are not Anglo,”)(56) the Rodriguez’ family were immigrants. Rodriguez does not specify when the family moved to the United States, although he does mention that as a first grade student his initial difficulties in learning English were shared by his two older siblings as well. His recollection of a visit to his parents by three nuns from their school, “Do your children speak only Spanish at home, Mrs. Rodriguez?” “That Richard especially seems so timid and shy,” (10-11) would indicate that the move was fairly recent. Both author’s parents used some form of Spanish to communicate in the home but were anxious that their children learn English. While Rodriguez’ parents were especially concerned with wanting their children to fit in with their American peers at school, Anzaldua’s mother voiced a particular concern that her daughter’s accented English could hinder her ability to obtain good employment and her education would be …show more content…
Rodriguez, at first, seems to have taken the path of least resistance, resigning himself to the inevitable eventuality of embracing the language that would make it possible for him to communicate more fully outside of his home. However, the trek toward a greater understanding and knowledge of English also separated him from the two people he depended on to provide safety, security and the comfort of familiarity when he returned home each day¬-his parents. He came upon his parents speaking Spanish one day, only to have them immediately switch to English when they saw him “Those gringo sounds they uttered startled me. Pushed me away.” (11) His pain, that is palpable in those words, gradually turned to anger. Anzaldua, on the other hand fought every step of the way, making hers a constant uphill climb. Not only was she struggling to find her place in American society as a Chicano, she was also battling for acceptance as a woman equal to men. She states that the first time she heard two Spanish-speaking women use the word nosotras, (feminine “we”) “…I was shocked. I had not known the word existed. Chicanas use nosotros [male “we”] whether we’re male or female. We are robbed of our female being by the masculine plural.” (55) Anzaldua’s anger mounts with every step she takes.