Rodriguez declared that, “The family’s quiet was partly due to the fact that, as we children…
Richard Rodriguez is a great example of what it is like to be part of the students who belong to the schooled category. Rodriguez himself is one of the many students that lacked the ability to critically think. Rodriguez read and read books that his teacher once mentioned, but still didn’t feel smart. Being a "scholarship boy" Rodriguez was unable to critically think for himself and was unable to capture and completely understand what he was reading. "I lacked a point of view when I read." (Rodriguez 202) Not only did this make him feel like he wasn’t smart but also made him feel insecure about himself.So insecure that many times, after reading a book, he would look up reviews and comments on what people thought of the book because he believed…
The heart of the passage is made clear by the very first sentence. Rodriguez begins, “My mother is not surprised that her children are well-off” (line 1). The subject of the first sentence can be very telling as to the subject of the entire piece, and that is the case here. In fact, the entire first paragraph is totally centered on his mother -- her children, her predictions, how she thinks she’ll look when she’s old. All of that with absolutely no mention of his father. For most couples topics like pride on children’s accomplishments and plans for the future are something they share -- in an optimal situation both parents are proud of their children and their future plans include each other. However, Rodriguez only mentions his mother -- blatantly excluding his father…
9. How would you describe Rodriguez's attitude toward his parents? Does it change from one point to another? Identify specific passages.…
Lopez was a Portuguese Jew who converted to Christianity and lived in England. He served as the Queen’s physician, and was accused of conspiring with Spanish civilians to murder the queen. He claimed that he was innocent and only cooperated with the Spanish in order to reveal their dangerous intentions. Lopez was found guilty nonetheless, and was executed. Kaplan brings original documents from the time of the execution, and claims that they prove that Lopez was convicted because he was Jewish. The conviction documents compare Lopez to Judah who betrayed Jesus, and state that Lopez cannot be…
America is singing, which government authorities, instructors, and grandparents attempt to translate what that may mean, Richard Rodriguez fights America has been brown from its start, as he himself is by all accounts. As a man with different color sink, I think . . . (Regardless, do we really trust that shading tints thought?) In his two past journals, Hunger of Memory and Days of Obligation, Rodriguez explained the meeting of his private presence with open issues of class and ethnicity. With Brown, his considered race, Rodriguez completes his "arrangement of three of American open life."…
He started to wonder if the beliefs they imposed were right. Fighting, yelling, and violence was now a routine in a home that was once filled with god and loved. To cope with the struggles in his life, Rodriguez read books.…
Before seeing Juan and his mother, the social worker called the ESL teacher who referred Juan to her to discuss the case. The teacher reported that Juan was showing little interest in classroom activities or his peers, and always seemed exhausted. He was irritable and frequently became physically aggressive toward classmates who made fun of him for being so small and thin (sometimes calling him “mosquito”). She also stated that he often appeared to be daydreaming, and when she tried to talk to him, he seemed to withdraw further.…
2. What does Rodriguez mean when he says, “[I]n a way, it didn’t matter very much that my parents could not speak English with ease…. And yet, in another way, it mattered very much” (para.15)?…
In this text, Richard Rodriguez gains his undying interest in reading. This is where he realizes what he believes would be his true calling. He believer reading would open up a new chapter of life to him. Show him places he had never imagined. He wanted to be educated. Achieve more than his parents `did. The fact that he knew books would make him achieve his goal, gave him confidence. He was initially a shy person who kept to himself probably because of his accent. But his tutor found a way through this private tutoring for him to break out of his shell. From then on he improved his speech and reading abilities for him to mould himself to this excellent scholar.…
In the beginning, Rodriguez build a wall set him and family apart, and he blames on his ambition of academic. Actually, he ignores his family's love and care from many details of daily life. He family wants to bring Rod out of unusual addiction of studies. His brother would laugh, shouting: "Hey, Four eyes!"(516) and his mother would ask: "What do you see in your book?"(516) when Rod…
It is within human nature to feel as though one can label a person as good or bad without fully knowing that person. Serial killers are a type of species presumed to be inherently evil and more flawed then the devil himself. This definition of serial killers is widely accepted among different nations because as a whole the people of the world genuinely agree on what is coherently good as well as what is coherently evil. Thanks to universal coverage and bias opinion which is divulged by the media most people have difficulties seeing serial killers in any other light besides the root of all evil. Something not quite understood by people is the lack of morality which is evident in all, not just serial killers. Sadly enough in today's society forgiveness is not something easy to gain and in order for it to be sincere the past must be forgotten, something even more difficult to achieve than equality. Considering that most, if not all, serial killers follow through with their actions based on some form of chemical inequality within their brain; it seems to make no sense as to why the human population would judge them any more than they would judge a person with autism. Modern day views on serial killers have been produced from the world's lack of knowledge within the psychology field from the start. Before people were given the correct information as to why serial killers killed people it was assumed that they were simply horrid people who must be killed. Now more is known about the psychological issues serial killers experience which causes them to pursue certain actions allowing for their reasoning to be somewhat understood by all. Serial killer Pedro López, although, had a different and more disturbed childhood than most serial killers which is thought to have lead to his type of crime. Like most "normal" people Pedro López was unable to forget the past of revise it in any way. The trauma Pedro López faced as a child caused psychological issues upon him, beginning…
Rodriguez is present in 3 different ways in his essay; the child Rodriguez, fully immersed in the educational system is the perfect example of the “scholarship boy”. He sets himself definite boundaries between school life and “home” life but doesn’t balance the two as he gives more importance to the apprehending and instructive aspect rather than socializing with his family and friends, “the balance is lost”(Rodriguez p.549). In fact, he rarely mentions his social life and friends because he has no time for them. Reading and studying are his main focuses -- “but then, with ever-increasing intensity, I devoted myself to my studies” -- in the early stages and this sets him apart from the “normal” children of that age who play and have fun (Rodriguez p.547). What drives Rodriguez…
Rodriguez’s childhood was particularly unique given the fact that while he was born and raised in the United States, he was strongly influenced in the ethnic environment of a Spanish family. Although the reader is introduced to only a short excerpt from the autobiography, he learns a great deal…
For example Rodriguez essays talks about being shy, not wanting to raise his hand to answer questions been asked. He thought that the classmates would laugh at him, therefore he didn’t participate. When the nuns picked on him to read, he would mumble, he looked down at the floor, even thought the nuns told him to speak up and put his head up. After the day, 3 nuns went to Rodriguez house to speak with the parents, and to find a solution to Rodriguez behavior in class. As a non-English speaker I know how hard it is for one to speak out loud, its nerve wrecking because you don’t know if the people around are going laugh or what? With Tan situation it’s a similar path with Rodriguez. But the differences were that the school steered her to science and math subjects. She stuck to the English subject because; she saw that there was no right or wrong answer, unlike math or science. Tan school was not really involved with her parents, when it came to finding ways for here to speak properly. The school helped her achieve success through books. From both essays I read, I relate myself to Rodriguez in the way that, the school was involved with my parents. Both my parents had communication with school teachers and counselors to find out the progress of my education. I too felt the same way Rodriguez did, while sitting in class and not knowing the answer for simple questions being asked. Whenever I did get call on in…