Humphrys so troubled by the fact that the Oxford English Dictionary has removed the hyphen from thousands of words because he think that the author is trying to adapt to the new generation of writing as what he called fashion. Like shortening the word or using abbreviation as many people use on email and SMS. He thinks that this makes people care less in proper spelling and grammar. The reason for this change is because we are changing the way we communicate with each other and how our life is very busy therefore we need to make everything go faster. Humphrys think texters have changed the English language by using abbreviation for example; laugh out loud would be LOL, and also by using emoticon. He feels that text-speak is a bad thing because it's “ravaging” our English language. Even for him texting has made him slipping into sloppy habits, abandoning capital letters and using rows of dots.
2B or Not 2B Reading
Crystal think that popular conceptions about the effect of texting on the English language are wrong because all the abbreviation, using initial letters for whole word is not at all new. It has been in our language over hundreds of years. For example IOU is known from 1618. Crystal stated that the only thing that change was the medium communication; from letter to mobile phone or computer. Crystal feel like texting is a human ability to be creative with language and to adapt language to suit the demand of diverse setting. It is an evolution as he describes it. In his conclusion, Crystal says, “In texting what we are seeing, in a small way, is language in evolution” meaning that how we are using texting is an progress of language because in order to use abbreviation and so forth we must first understand how the word sound and use.
Thumbspeaks: Is Texting Here to Stay? According to Menand, texting is a giant leap backward in the science of communication because it more efficient than semaphore