D has used a lot of different brevity features, she used ‘u’ twice. This is an example of homophonic representation this could be because she is attempting to be ‘cool’ or perhaps isn’t very good with her phone and uses homophonic representation to increase the speed in which she texts. D also uses clipping when she says ‘seein’ instead of ‘seeing’ this may be a virtuous clipping error as she has used one previously when she says ‘that’ instead of ‘that’s’ although I think that it may be a deliberate clipping because throughout the message she has shortened or changed most words to make them more concise.
Data 3 contains turn-taking even though the message are almost 2 hours apart, this may be because C doesn’t need a reply from D straight away. They both use phatic expressions – both messages start with ‘Hi’ this implies friendliness within the messages and makes the messages become more