When I look around my classroom at my peers, I do not see a single classmate that would be fit to be a part of the government. Very few people read books anymore and most people’s writing is becoming something that looks like a paper in the sixth grade. All of this is thanks to texting. Everyone gets used to writing in short choppy sentences with abbreviated words, so when it comes time to write a decent paper, they don’t have the proper vocabulary to write a half decent paper. Additionally, half of my classmates are unable to go five minutes without looking at their phones or texting. Most of them text during class instead of paying attention. How are we supposed to get anything done in the future government if we keep checking our phones during important discussions and not giving our full attention to the meeting
When I look around my classroom at my peers, I do not see a single classmate that would be fit to be a part of the government. Very few people read books anymore and most people’s writing is becoming something that looks like a paper in the sixth grade. All of this is thanks to texting. Everyone gets used to writing in short choppy sentences with abbreviated words, so when it comes time to write a decent paper, they don’t have the proper vocabulary to write a half decent paper. Additionally, half of my classmates are unable to go five minutes without looking at their phones or texting. Most of them text during class instead of paying attention. How are we supposed to get anything done in the future government if we keep checking our phones during important discussions and not giving our full attention to the meeting