The hospitality industry in China is gradually developing and being matured increasingly. It is the rapid increase in the number of hotels resulted in growing demand for qualified employees. However, China’s hotels are facing serious human resources challenge including shortage of qualified staff, high-staff turnover, and the unwillingness of university graduates to enter the industry. Specially, the high turnover rate of the hotel is playing a huge role to obstruct the hotel’s growing. The reason of high turnover rate in the hospitality industry will be researched and both qualitative and quantitative data sets will be created. Personal interviews, extended observations and questionnaires will generate the final results and conclusion of the study. The purpose of this research is to look for the key factor of causing the high rate of turnover in hospitality of China so that hotel supervisors could make strategies relatively to reduce employee turnover and maintain employee retention. It is hope that the paper could provide a fresh perspective on human resources management for hotel supervisor in China.
The term “turnover” is defined by Price (1997) as: … the ratio of the number of organizational members who have left during the period being considered divided by the average number of people in that organization during the period.
Frequently, managers refer to turnover as the entire process associated with filling a vacancy: Each time a position is vacated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, a new employee must be hired and trained. This replacement cycle is known as turnover (Woods, 1995)
For the purpose of this study, this term is utilized in efforts to measure relationships of employees in an organization as they leave, regardless of reason.
Over the last two decades, hotel development in China has been impressive, especially considering the modern era
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