The Real Reasons for Teenage Crime in the 21st Century - Editorial and opinion Essay - Crime, Acceptance, Parenting - Booksie
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The Real Reasons for Teenage Crime in the 21st Century
Essay By: happyangel Editorial and opinion
Tags: Crime, Acceptance, Parenting
Just an essay froms school.
Submitted:May 7, 2008
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“The real reason for teenage crime in Australia in the 21st century.” 1/9
The Real Reasons for Teenage Crime in the 21st Century - Editorial and opinion Essay - Crime, Acceptance, Parenting - Booksie
The real reasons for teenage crime in the 21st century are poverty, home issues and acceptance. These factors contribute to teenage crime because they need to steal simply to survive. Teenagers try to forget about the traumas at home by doing other things that could be just as bad, like binge drinking. They want to be accepted by their peers, who could already be a criminal.
Many families nowadays are very poor and will get poorer, from the rising of interest rates and many other things. This will cause the poor to become even poorer, with less chance of making their way up the ladder without needing to steal. These teenagers do not even have the basic needs such as food or shelter, and so of course they will result in things like stealing. Otherwise, they simply will not be able to survive. Many students come to school everyday without even having a notebook or pens or paper. Some, who are slightly more fortunate, cannot pay for the many excursions that schools have. Those who do not have those simple everyday things will simply need to steal or carjack. These families truly need things which they do not have. These families often live in poorer parts of the cities, where