First, The economic purposes got so bad that they had to lie, kill, and steel.The lies they spread to cover up the truth was unbearable they worked the natives to pretty much make them give up their land. They sold the people of these countries treating them like nothing. They slaughtered the people. They forced the people to work and they sold their goods for money. They sold opium in india had india bought it and got …show more content…
most africans were unemployed, slaves, and some were put in war. Although Africa was most affected it indirectly hurt other countries with trade, people, and allies. Brutal, taking children, mothers, and fathers. The british did not care. War is all that came out of this. War, slavery, and money is all that the british got from being such a major part in this. Nothing good has come from the imperialisation. Nothing but pain, agony, self pity, and the worst of all of them… death. Too much have they taken. They've taken money, resources, they even took their lives away from them. Nothing will ever be the same after those