Corruptsystem, (B) Our Justice system which givessufficient time to delete evidences.2. Decreasing family values- None of theparents have time to spend with theirchildren then where will they go?
Either tointernet or to the friends also as theyare frustrated they never think about goodor bad just do what they like. Families arealso not have the joint figure now whereelders can keep an eye on children inabsence of parents. Children also get goodvalues in them and the ill things does notcome in mind.
Another factor involvingsocial relationships is a family response tosexual violence that blames women withoutpunishing men, concentrating instead onrestoring lost family honor. Such aresponse creates an environment in whichrape can occur with impunity. There isevidence to suggest that sexual violence isalso a learnt behaviour in some men,particularly as regards child sexual abuse.3.
Encouraging society - After rape only 40%are registered in police case all other arehided by family due to pressure of societyin name of getting harassed. Thisencourages bad elements for sure.
Sexualviolence committed by men is to a largeextent rooted in ideologies of male sexualentitlement.
These belief systems grantwomen extremely few legitimate options torefuse sexual advances. Some men thussimply exclude the possibility that theirsexual advances towards a woman might berejected or that a woman has the right tomake an autonomous decision aboutparticipating in sex.
4.Drinking in a large group - Alcohol hasa psycho- pharmacological effect ofreducing inhibitions, clouding judgementsand impairing the ability to interpretcues. After getting drunk thinking-ability ofmind decreases too much and at that timeif any idea arises for fun or revenge of asingle person, gets